Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mud and more Mud

I have finally recieved not one but TWO calls from Poohy! OMG it was so awesome to finally talk to her. She still has a hard time getting online, when she has the time... the Marines are knee deep to the puters! She's settled in to her post. She's been busy with Shower/Laundry & Uniform repair work. I guess its the rainy season in Iraq ! She said her tent was full of water, and they had to fix the floor, so she was in tight quarters Im sure for a time there. I imagine her job has been quite a messy one with all the mud. When you get alot of rain on top of the desert, Im sure it reaks havock everywhere. I so hate MUD...lol.. weve had severe storms here in Indiana for weeks, we have been lucky compared to many communities around us, several tornados have done alot of damage. Makes me feel a little closer knowing we are both fighting the wet stuff.
She's finally recieved some of the care packages Ive sent... the first ones took over 6 weeks to get there. Then she recieved one that only took 9 days! HOOAH! Hats of the the Army Post Office... Great JOB! She got tickled at all the "junk" food Ive sent. I want her to have a little taste of home, and tend to go overboard...lol. I must restrain myself, Im sure her roomies dont want a whole grocery store in the tent!
Mother's Day is fast approaching and Punkin has been working hard on the Gift that we cant send, but Poohy will love it Im sure. I cant wait to post pictures, so it can ease her Momma's curiosity... stay tuned...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Poohy's doing ok in spite of the mud. I jear it gets really interesting when it rains during a sandstorm! Ugh! Raining mud!

11:22 AM  

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