Sunday, February 26, 2006

Update on the Knee

I had a wonderful talk with Poohy on Thursday... the longest conversation weve been able to have in months! She went for her rusults of the MRI on her knee. The results were somewhat good. There are no tears in the cartilage, so that means no surgery... yippeeeeeeeeee. They did find that she has some degenerative fraying to the cartilage( most likely from the years of High School Basketball !), but surgery wont fix that. They said it will just take time for it to heal on its own. They fitted her with a knee brace, which she must wear during activity. Im pleased it wasnt bad... but as a Mom I must say I was hoping it was bad enough that they just might send her home. Not gonna happen I dont think. Cant blame me for wishing tho?
She's been going like a bat outta Hell tryin to catch up on her deployment training, so that she wouldnt be too far behind the rest of the unit. Shes pretty close to being caught up. She was sooo worried about having to ship behind her unit... with people she doesnt know. That is still a possibility... it all depends on her knee. The Mob site Doctor, is monitoring her progress, and monitoring the knee. If it continues to swell alot during the roughest part of their training, she may have to stay back a few weeks to allow it more time to heal. The Doc thinks that hard training may just agravate the healing process, so... time will tell!! Im sure Poohy is about fed up with not knowing just where she stands on the whole deployment thing. It has to be hard to get your mind set, when doctors cant get their own opinions set on her progress! First they say... she's ready to go, then hurry up and wait, then say... um she's not ready to's enough to drive a person mad!
One thing I can say tho... I sure can sense the changes in Poohy since this all started. I listened to her talking, and could feel the "military bearing" coming back to her. Let me explain... when she went to basic training, almost 5 years ago, she was a bouncy youngin just out of High School. 9 weeks later, she was a confident soldier, with a whole new respect for authority and her country. Now over these last 5 years of serving in the reserves, the" military attitude" kinda took a back seat, as she only used her knowledge on one weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer. But now being active duty, and back into the day to day military life, I can feel those changes coming back to the surface, I can hear it in her voice. She sounds confident again, and the military way , has once again taken over the drivers seat. I know in my heart, she's again ready for whatever the country may ask of her. It's just so awesome to me to see the changes taking place, almost before your very eyes. I think that kind of confidence comes from somewhere in the soul. I really believe that it takes a special kind of person to be a soldier. It comes from down deep. Thats why soldiers see other soldiers in a way we civilians cant understand. Its a bond, that only they share. They all have that "something" that ya cant put your finger on... but you feel it when you are in their presence. I just sit in awe when she speaks of the duties she has had to perform, and know in my heart that she'll be A-O-K no matter what the future brings.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My How Times Have Changed!

Wow the changes technology has made over the years! I remember as a child, my Father, a US Air Force pilot, would go on TDY, and we kids may not see or hear from him for months on end. Way back then,the US mail was the best thing ya had for keeping in touch.Long Distant phones calls were nice , but usually short, sweet and to the point, as they werent as affordable as they are today! Personal Computers are just the berries, for a soldier and their family. I wish they had been around years ago, when I was missing the contact of a parent! It just tickles me that Poohy and Punkin have this capability to communicate. Mind you Im somewhat technologically challenged, but Im getting the hang of the whole webcam,voice conference thing! I think it's so awesome to be able have this contact with Poohy. We've been limited to how often and how long we can chat, but having the means to do so, is so fantastic! It sure helps that Punkin can see and hear her Mommy, even if just for a few minutes. It eases the pain of missing her so bad.
Poohy had the MRI on her knee and should learn the results next week sometime. She has resumed some training and is busy tryin to catch up with the rest of the unit.
Punkin had a wonderful weekend with her Daddy's family. She really loves spending the weekends with her other Grandma and Aunt. She gets to see lots of children and gets totally worn out. Children to play with are in short supply here at our house, so Im sure the weekends do her a world of good! She's such a joy and a true delite , We are so blessed to have her with us :))

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Happy Valentines Day Mommy!!

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hurt Knee

Here's an update on Poohy. She has completed schooling at Fort Lee, and is back at her mobilization site. Prior to leaving Fort Lee, Poohy injured her knee. They felt it was a sprain, and had her limited in her activity. Upon return to the mob site they determined she had a more substantial injury.They have put her on medical profile, and are running her ragged to Doctors and physical therapists! They believe she may have a torn cartilage/meniscus in her knee. Poor thing her knee swells up 3 times its size and even causes her to not be able to even put a shoe on. They are sending her to have an MRI on the knee to determine wether its torn or not. So, she is unable to do her field training, and will be behind her unit, in completing training.If its a tear, she may require surgery, and a lengthy recovery. Please keep her in your prayers! Were are hoping its only a strain, and that it wont require surgery! She will be having the MRI towards the end of the month and Ill keep you all posted on her progress.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Everyone will miss you "SGT. P"!!

What a guy!!! This is SFC. Javier Pedrosarivera(& Poohy). He is in charge of Det.1 of the 380th QM Co. This is the unit Poohy was part of, Pre-Deployment. Kindly refered to as " SGT. P ".From a parents stand point he is just a fantastic, all around nice guy! He took all of his soldiers into his heart , as well as their families. A fine leader, but I would say most soldiers also considered him a good friend. At deployment, you could see in his eyes the sadness of seeing off his troops. A good portion of the unit was sent to become part of the 1008th QM Co. Upon returning from their 18 month stint, they will continue to drill with the 380th, but sadly when that time comes, SGT. P will already be re-assigned elsewhere. So deployment was really a Good-Bye of sorts. We all became extend family..
SGT P. I truely enjoyed the last big gathering with you at the annual unit Christmas party. Everyones children just think you are the best! You always had a huge smile and a kind word whenever I saw you, I know it was hard to be chipper under the circumstances. You offered to help us family members, in any way you could, even though they, technically, were not your soldiers anymore. It really was no longer your responsibility, but I was touched by the kindness. Your soldiers are gonna miss you alot, but Im sure they agree with me when I say, that we wish you nothing but the very best things in life, wherever the road leads you. You are a great asset to the US Army, and wherever you are stationed the soldiers will have recieved a blessing!You'll always remain in our prayers

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