Sunday, February 19, 2006

My How Times Have Changed!

Wow the changes technology has made over the years! I remember as a child, my Father, a US Air Force pilot, would go on TDY, and we kids may not see or hear from him for months on end. Way back then,the US mail was the best thing ya had for keeping in touch.Long Distant phones calls were nice , but usually short, sweet and to the point, as they werent as affordable as they are today! Personal Computers are just the berries, for a soldier and their family. I wish they had been around years ago, when I was missing the contact of a parent! It just tickles me that Poohy and Punkin have this capability to communicate. Mind you Im somewhat technologically challenged, but Im getting the hang of the whole webcam,voice conference thing! I think it's so awesome to be able have this contact with Poohy. We've been limited to how often and how long we can chat, but having the means to do so, is so fantastic! It sure helps that Punkin can see and hear her Mommy, even if just for a few minutes. It eases the pain of missing her so bad.
Poohy had the MRI on her knee and should learn the results next week sometime. She has resumed some training and is busy tryin to catch up with the rest of the unit.
Punkin had a wonderful weekend with her Daddy's family. She really loves spending the weekends with her other Grandma and Aunt. She gets to see lots of children and gets totally worn out. Children to play with are in short supply here at our house, so Im sure the weekends do her a world of good! She's such a joy and a true delite , We are so blessed to have her with us :))


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