Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Wonderful 4 Days!

Well Poohy finally made it home on a 4 day pass.. what a whirlwind time it was too! Punkin was soooooo excited when she finally saw her Mommie.. its been almost 4 months in comming, which is forever to a little one! It was so awesome... her brother Taylor, was also home on spring break from college. It was the first time in a long time that all my children were home, under my roof... probably the best sleep Ive had in ages, as I knew exactly where all my kids were! Right off the bat she wanted to go shopping.. one of her MOST favorite things! She went wild !!! She totally outfitted Punkin with all new outside toys for summer.. from a swingset, sandbox, playhouse and bike... to all new clothing for the warm season.We also went for family portraits, they are awesome, and I will post them when I get them home! We spent all the next day assembling everything, with much laughter & craziness. She sent me in to have nails and a pedicure... something Ive never had done by a professional... and I gotta say it was heavenly... I could really get used to that special We had a cook-out.. 1st one of the year, and all the family attended and brought some really scrumptious food! Her last day home was quiet, spent lazing around with Punkin. We knew leaving would be hard, I took her back to post late in the evening, it was by far the hardest thing Ive ever done. A deployment ceremony, for the 1008th QM Co. was set for the following day , so I knew we would see her again one more time before the Unit departed for the sandbox.... A heavy snow was expected for late night/early morning, and I feared we would not make it, being we live out in the boonies... but we did make it out, thru 6 inches of snow...No snow all winter and Mother Nature had to pick this day to dump on us!


Blogger Stacy said...

I have been there and done just what you did this week. It was the hardest thing I ever did also. It's not easy being a mom to a soldier, but I did not have to tell you that I am sure. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. It will be a long journey, but I promise the light will finally come on at the end.

I sent my little boy to the sand, but a man came back. That was probablly the hardest thing that I had to adjust to. It is definately different, but for us, it was a good difference.

I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Patricia said...

Thanks so much Stacy... it's such a comfort to know there are so many Moms out there that understand, and can help us Moms new to this, cope a little easier...

7:33 PM  

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